Apr 03 2014

News from Kruse
By B. Childress

Posted at 8:12 pm under Kruse House

Special Exhibit: Each year the Kruse House Museum has a special exhibit along with the ongoing household and railroad memorabilia. The 2014 display is “It’s A Doll’s World” featuring dolls both old and new, doll accessories, doll houses and furniture and just about anything pertaining to dolls. The museum is open each Saturday from 11 AM to 3 PM starting in May. Stop by for a tour when you can and check out the garden while you’re there. You’ll probably want to invite a friend or neighbor to join you.

There is much to be done, we must get to it: We have rakes and shears in hand but the weather has not been cooperating. We’d like a little less talk and a lot more action! We have clean up to do. We have plants to dig for the Plant Sale but first we must uncover them. Generally we know where the plants are located but on occasion some clever fool sneaks into the garden and relocates one or two over the winter when we aren’t looking. It happens at my house too. There really is no time to detect the culprit with so many pressing tasks at hand. Better to accept it as one of those spring mysteries. The plant names are another spring mystery! “Oh, you know, what’s that called?” is a common refrain heard in the spring garden walk about. For me it takes until midsummer before the nomenclature cobwebs are dusted off and by midwinter they are again dormant. Spring is a reawakening of more than just plants!

Gone but not forgotten: There are those plants that disappear from our gardens. This variegated yellow flag iris was a glory unfurled each spring in the Kruse garden. But alas, the iris bore got it…big fat juicy ones. Angie can provide the details. We may try again and provide the new planting with a little GrubX. It’s a gem!

See you in the garden…Angie, Billie, Kerry, Tom

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